My answer to this is what.
There is a place for Google+ as well as Facebook, Twitter and any new social network site that comes along. Not everything has to appeal to women.
Women has always been an important part of getting things done in our world but we live in a world now where if something doesn't appeal to everyone that is so wrong.
True, early adopters are male but you know what, there are plenty of women that are early adopters as well. From what I'm seeing there are plenty of women on Google+, the women that are on here are women that I wished I had as co-workers. These women are photographers, tech and gadget lovers, writers, publishers, social network my book, women that do not like gossip. Women with substance. Am I sounding like a male chauvinist pig? That's your opinion.
I'm just tired of this "political correction" fad and that just because something appeals more for women that men should raise up and cry foul and the the other way around. Maybe women just don't like writers take that in mind before flying off the handle and yelling "Gender Bias" ? We live in a society that feels that everyone, man and women are the same. I have a little secret for you...come closer...we're not.
There are some things that's not going to appeal to women. Maybe their core base is on Twitter or Facebook or their own blog/website. I love in our society now that these pollsters go through great length to analysis everything instead of asking the simple question, "Does Google+ appeal to you?" Just because I see women work at Victory Secret or Macy doesn't mean I should write an article, "Victory Secret Are Nearly All Women." Am I saying that women are treated fairly and should stop whining and that they should be happy with the way things are, of course not! But Google+ is not about's about choice.
And I see that Google is considering removing the gender choice from G+? Why!?!
And are these so called polls counting women of color? From where I'm sitting I'm seeing many women of color on Google+ and to me there are many that love tech but I do not see that issue being addressed. I'm a huge fan of Amber Mac, Veronica Belmont, Molly Wood, Sarah Lane, Gina Trapani. I read their articles, their tips on how to how to make your tech and social network life less hetic. But where are the write ups about Angela Benton, Kenya Allmond, Naomi Williams, Del Williams, Gwen Sutton, Kristen Nicole, Shireen Mitchell, Jazzy L., Kim Beasly and this not counting many women of color that although may not have their own website or blog but love technology (my wife loves her smartphone, social networking and my best friend in Florida wife loves her gadgets and create websites in her spare time). I know many of women of color that love the world of technology, social network, gadgets. They write every day on the world on technology, tips to make your life much smoother when using tech or social network sites and they range from Windows users to Linux users.
So before any article gets published in regards to "where are the women" you need to ask the simple question, "Do they want to be where the men are all the time?"
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