Thursday, October 7, 2010

Love Him or Hate Him, Mark Found That Golden Niche

I may not like many of Facebook practices by you have to admit, Facebook is number one in the world of social network, for now. I day that because if someone would have told me 2 years ago that I would be using Google Chrome as my default browser instead of Mozilla Firefox I may have laughed in your face but here we are 2010 and many people in my circle now use Chrome as the default browser.

Sure Facebook has gotten people into trouble because many ol' high school couples have hooked up trying to revive that "lovin' feelin'" or burn when you when you post you're at a friend's gathering instead of being home sick (that's really on the people that were stupid enough to post it on Facebook in the first place) but I have to admit it does serve a purpose when it comes to keeping in touch with old friends, connecting with musicians in regards to discovering new music but now with so many organizations(networks, churches, top 500 companies) it's "almost" an necessity. I say "almost" because we can really do without Facebook, Twitter but hey, it's here so lets use it the way it's suppose to be use, as a tool.

This is pretty cool article from the on the "Facebook: 10 milestones on the way to social success". I haven't seen the movie, "Social Network" and don't plan to see it until it comes out on DVD/Blue Ray but I have to give it Mark Zuckerberg, he found a niche and filled that online void for 500 million people so he must be doing something right. 

Facebook: 10 milestones on the way to social [story found at]

Facebook has just launched a new groups feature which will help manage the social network’s vast membership. We chart Facebook’ top 10 milestones on the way to being the largest network in the world.
(read more)

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